共享经济中的税收Taxation of the sharing economy
0. 国际税收层级的有关共享经济的方案1
1. 有关共享经济背景信息2
1.2 “共享”shared的定义2
1.3 六大“共享”sharing支柱3
1.4 共享交易的类型3
1.5 经济部门和平台4
1.6 例子: Airbnb & Uber4
2. 共享经济中直接税的主要问题5
2.1 实质性税收问题5
2.1.1 服务提供者的身份5
2.1.2 应税所得的确定6
2.1.3 其他“共享sharing”收入6
2.2 行政税务问题6
2.2.1 依法纳税tax compliance6
2.2.2税务执行tax enforcement7
2.2.3直接税的政策7 无或有限干预7 行政税收法规的变更8实质性税收规则的变化8
0. 国际税收层级的有关共享经济的方案
●OECD/G20, BEPS Action 1 (2015)
●VAT Committee, Working Paper No. 878 (2015)
●EU Commission, European Agenda for the Collaborative Economy (2016)
●EESC, Taxation of the Collaborative Economy (2017)
●OECD/G20, Interim Report (2018)
●EU Commission, Digital Services Tax (DST) (2018)
●VAT Committee, Working Paper No. 947 (2018)
●OECD Working Party No. 9, Global Forum on VAT (2019)
1. 有关共享经济背景信息1.1共享经济,并非单一表达
共享经济sharing economy有很多种说法:
●“Collaborative economy” 协同经济
●“Collaborative consumption” 协同消费
●“Peer-to-peer (P2P) economy” P2P经济
●“Gig economy”
●“On-demand economy”
●“Platform economy” 平台经济
●“1099 economy”
The basic idea behind the sharing economy is to allow individuals to “share” personal resources, such as spare rooms, cars, clothes, time, money, skills, more efficiently over online platforms, thus bypassing traditional middlemen
1.2 “共享”shared的定义
根据EU Commission, Communication on “A European Agenda for the Collaborative Economy”, COM(2016) 356 final (2 June 2016):
“The term “collaborative economy” refers to business models where activities are facilitated by collaborative platforms that create an open marketplace for the temporary usage of goods or services often provided by private individuals. The collaborative economy involves three categories of actors: (i) service providers who share assets, resources, time and/or skills - these can be private individuals offering services on an occasional basis (“peers”) or service providers acting in their professional capacity (“professional services providers”); (ii) users of these; and (iii) intermediaries that connect - via an online platform - providers with users and that facilitate transactions between them (“collaborative platforms”). Collaborative economy transactions generally do not involve a change of ownership and can be carried out for profit or not-for-profit.”
(i) 共享资产、资源、时间和/或技能的服务提供者——这些服务提供者可以是偶尔提供服务的个人(“同行”), 也可以是根据其专业能力提供服务的服务提供者(“专业服务提供者”);
(ii) 这些用户;
(iii) 通过在线平台提供商与用户连接并促进用户之间交易的中介(“协作平台”)。协同经济交易本质上不涉及所有权的变更,可以为利润而进行,也可以不为利润而进行。
1.3 六大“共享”sharing支柱
3)3个经济因素: 平台、服务提供者、服务接受者
1.4 共享交易的类型
1) 在平台和用户之间(可提供者、可消费者)
2) 在用户之间
1) cash transactions 现金交易
2) barter transactions 物物交换
3) cost-sharing arrangements 费用分摊
4) gifts/donations 礼品/捐赠
1.5 经济部门和平台
●Short-term accommodation (Airbnb, GuestToGuest, Couchsurfing)
●Passenger transport (Uber, Lyft, BlaBlaCar)
●Food delivery (Deliveroo, Uber Eats)
●Meal-Sharing (Eatwith, Gnammo)
●Professional services (Freelancer, Upwork)
●Household tasks (Handy, TaskRabbit)
●Sharing of vehicles or other spared items (Getaround, NeighborGoods)
PwC estimates that 5 key sectors in the sharing economy (peer-to-peer finance, online staffing, peer-to-peer accommodation, car sharing and music/video streaming) have the potential to increase global revenues from around USD 15 billion now to around USD 335 billion by 2025
注意,PwC估算了共享经济的5个主要部门(P2P金融、网上人员配置、P2P食宿、汽车共享、音乐视频串流)有潜力将全球收入从现在的USD 15 billion提升到2025年的USD 335 billion.
1.6 例子: Airbnb & Uber
2. 共享经济中直接税的主要问题
1) 服务提供者的身份
2) 应税所得的确定
1) 服务提供者的依法纳税tax compliance
2) 税务机关的税务执行
2.1 实质性税收问题2.1.1 服务提供者的身份
1) 服务提供者是商家?
共享经济领域的服务提供者是否可以被认定是商家:它可以在一个平台上习惯性或偶尔提供服务。E.g. 一个人通过时不时为uber开车补贴自己。
1) 自雇还是受雇?
工作者是被认定为自雇还是受雇:受雇(e.g.平台影响和控制),但是也有独立合同的(e.g. 当他们想工作的时候才工作)
问题:雇主只帮雇员交社会保险,不会帮自雇人员交。所以 被提供者平台定位自雇者的比雇员的会存在不公平竞争。
法律确定性风险:平台选择的雇佣类型会被法院不认可challenge. e.g. UK Employment Tribunal, Aslam, Farrar & Others v Uber, 2016. (还有西班牙欧盟法院将优步定性为“交通客运公司”而非“信息中介公司”。这个是公司性质
2.1.2 应税所得的确定
1) part-time, personal properties for carrying out their activities (房子/汽车)
费用的抵扣和这项活动是否是business activities相关。如果是business activity,可以从总收入中扣;如果是private activity, 则不能扣。
2) sharing activities may be performed only occasionally
2.1.3 其他“共享sharing”收入
e.g. 提供者只收到“费用退款refund of costs”(BlaBlaCar), 问题:这笔refunds是否可以被认定为收入?
问题:in the absence of a bright-line test (e.g. standard mileage rates), it may be difficult to distinguish what is taxable and what is not...
2.2 行政税务问题2.2.1 依法纳税tax compliance
1) 提供者也许不清楚他们自己的纳税义务,他们将自己的行为定义为业余爱好或者娱乐消遣
2) 提供者或许形成“欺骗shortchanged”,如果没有很好地追踪商业收入和费用的话
3) 如果提供者有很多sharing activities, 他们需要记收入和花销的独立账户
2.2.2税务执行tax enforcement
1) 一个“可见性问题”是:税务当局缺乏有关提供者身份及其收入数额的信息。在平台与税务机关缺乏更广泛合作的情况下,税收收入完全依赖于服务提供商的自我报告。
2) 一个“低金额问题”:由于共享交易涉及的金额较小,对税务当局来说,监控数千家服务提供商的合规情况可能比实际税收收入还要昂贵。这种情况促进了非正规经济的增长。
1) 无或有限干预
2) 行政税收法规的变更
3) 实质性税收规则的变化 无或有限干预
1) 一些成员国认为,共享经济引发的税收问题完全可以在现有的税收规则下解决:
2) 一些成员国的税务当局发布了指导方针,澄清了现行规则在共享经济中的应用。有几个国家维持这一立场: 行政税收法规的变更
1) 平台与税务机关合作
2) 扣缴义务人平台实质性税收规则的变化
1) 有针对性的免税
2) 特殊的税收制度
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● J.M. Barry & P. Caron, Tax Regulation, Transportation Innovation, and the Sharing Economy, 81 Chicago Law Review Dialogue 69 (2015)
● G. Beretta, Taxation of Individuals in the Sharing Economy, 45 Intertax 1 (2017)
● G. Beretta, VAT and the Sharing Economy, 10 World Tax Journal 3 (2018)
● C. Bruckner, Shortchanged: The Tax Compliance Challenges of Small Business Operators Driving the On-Demand Platform Economy (2016)
● IMF, Taxation and the Peer-to-Peer Economy (2017)
● C. Migai, J. de Jong & J. Owens, The Sharing Economy: Turning Challenges into Compliance Opportunities for Tax Administrations (2018)
● S.Y. Oei & D. Ring, Can Sharing Be Taxed?, 93 Washington University Law Review 989 (2016)
● S.Y. Oei & D. Ring, Tax Issues in the Sharing Economy: Implications for Workers, in Cambridge Handbook on the Law of the Sharing Economy (2018)
● OTS, Platforms, the Platform Economy and Tax Simplification (2018)
● K.D. Thomas, Taxing the Gig Economy, 166 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1415 (2018)