如恩新作 | 野兽派概念小商店
B Store
, , China
We’re born into this world, where is to be alone or to to like it. Your is a store in the , pale pink, dusty, arid. A new , a fresh sin.
-- , : A Field
The store has a in Asian , and is no ; they have urban the city, lit, they shine the day and night, the city’s .
生活方式品牌野兽派的概念小商店 B则将便利店这一商业形态推演到一个新的高度。如同其它常见的便利店一样,野兽派概念小商店提供轻食、饮料、个人护理产品和基础家居用品,不同的是小商店,这些产品皆来自国内外不同的高端品牌小商店,满足了中国顾客不断提升的生活品味和消费水平。
In a new store for brand The Beast, B takes the idea of a store to level. As with any store, it light food and drink, care items, and basic home — each item here is from high-end local and , for the and taste of .
In about how to this new , Neri&Hu’s plays off of the of the store, the of and “pop-ups”, while still true to a that doesn’t rely on .
in , a area in the city after lane , the the of the , while also in fresh and . The light gray that is found in the base, , and of the is as a above the entry and also forms a base for the .
To the left of the façade, a new is clad in white- tiles in a , which to the of the store and winds its way to the right side of the shop to pass the . The of the tile not only to tie the three parts of the façade, but a for the shop’s .
into the store, the first is not with the , an art . the , Neri&Hu the to make with the and a of the small floor area to be used as an multi- space to art work, to , to host pop-up , and to large scale .
In the area, steel and the . steel, a , is to life by the : and , and bump . The of the , the and from the , as well as the begin to off of each other, blur , and the space.
With this , Neri&Hu to and the store . While its for and , every , and the for more, , for a bit of to grasp onto.